Wednesday, October 3, 2007

3 to 4 sep 2007, Transylvannia (where Dracula lived)

this mother and son led us from Sinaia town centre to the castle. cheeze!

we're about to enter the palace... no photo taking inside unless you have some money to spare...
the Pelisor Palace which is next to Peles.

Peles Castle - the most beautiful palace that i have seen. i felt as if i was invited to a royal family's house! majority of the architecture were designed by the Germans.

Sinaia - we came to this town to see the famous Peles Castle

the Black Church - built between 1384 and 1477, gained its name after a fire blackened its walls.

the main square

our room - we stayed with Florin, a man whom we met at the train station.
this was one of an old Soviet building.

on the Inter City train to Brasov, a city in Translyvannia.
Dracula, here we come!

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